Book us for your event or visit our street food stall!

When we're not busy making our retail products, we use our strong passion for cooking to cater at markets and events around the South West.
From our street food stall to fine dining at weddings and parties; we take vegan cuisine to a place you want us to be!
Get in touch by sending an email to:
...or find us at Finzels Reach and Harbourside markets (Bristol) on the following dates:
Finzels Reach (Fridays 11:30-14:00)
23/09, 28/09, 14/10, 28/10, 11/11, 25/11
Harbourside Market (weekdays 12:00-14:30, weekends 11:00-16:00)
5/11, 10/11, 24/11, 1/12, 10/12, 15/12, 17/12

...or find us at markets in Bristol and Somerset area
7th February - Finzels Reach - Bristol
8th February - Forest Green Rovers
9th February - Vegan Events - Stockport
12th February - Buoy Harbourside - Bristol
13th February - Buoy Harbourside - Bristol
14th February - Finzels Reach - Bristol
15th February - Vegan Market Co - Worcester
22nd February - Vegan Fairs - Yate
27th February - Buoy Harbourside - Bristol
28th February - Finzels Reach - Bristol
6th March - Temple Quay Market - Bristol
9th March - Vegan Fairs - Hereford